The Serious Case of Mr. Leonhard's Dysfunction [VertiComix]

author :

Kazusa Nanami

story :



The comic book adaptation of the popular slapstick about a cheesy teenage love story is finally here! "Very well. You've passed." Haruka Izumi just finished university and she's about to start working fulltime. She heads for the graduation party wearing her favorite kimono, but she's shown to a super luxurious presidential suite! In the room was a breathtakingly beautiful princely man with platinum blond hair called Leonhard...... Next thing she knows is that she's tied to a canopy bed! Here begins her battle with Leonhard, who doesn't hesitate to use any trick to achieve his end!
Now in vertical-scrolling,full-color VertiComix format!


Mature_Romance_MangaMillionaires/BillionairesVertiComixLocalized by RentaFree1pt-99pts100pts-199ptsUpgrade PopularCompleted

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Product Details

author :

Kazusa Nanami

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Japanese :

Leonhard-sama no Setsujitsu na Jijou

Localization by :


Item List Current ch. 12 completed

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January 23, 2018 (JST)
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