Mahoko! Quit Being So Bossy!

author :

Hiraku Miura


Mahoko's been with her buddy, Chise, since the day that she was born. He's cool, good-looking, and a hit with the girls. But, Chise has a secret that only Mahoko knows ? he likes boys. He was always leading her around by the nose until one day, he grabs her and kisses her!!


Mature_Romance_MangaChildhood_FriendsLocalized by Renta Full Volume/Tankobon

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Product Details

author :

Hiraku Miura

publisher :

Takeshobo co.,ltd.

Rating :


Japanese :

Mahoko no Kuse ni Namaiki Da

Localization by :


Item List Current ch. 1 completed

Mahoko! Quit Being So Bossy!

Pages: 180

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November 02, 2018 (JST)
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