A Raven That Cries But Sheds No Tears [VertiComix]

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Lately, Seiji Aizawa can't stop thinking about his neighbor, Rin Ugouda, a very cool and extremely sexy guy who goes to his college. Trying to get closer to him, Seiji finds out that Rin is actually gay. Rin kisses Seiji and warns him, "Don't get too close to me," but the kiss makes Seiji realize that he has feelings for Rin. After Seiji tells Rin, "We can be friends with benefits," they sleep together... But their relationship turns into something more. This is a passionate and bittersweet love story that takes place in a historic city, in the middle of the summer.
Now in vertical-scrolling,full-color VertiComix format!


Yaoi_MangaCollegeMillionaires/BillionairesVertiComixLocalized by RentaFree1pt-99ptsUpgrade Completed

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Japanese :

Koe ha shite Namida ha Mienu Nuredori

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Item List Current ch. 13 completed

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May 15, 2020 (JST)
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