
"Let my hear your moans." Indecent lessons with a teacher she admires... In a soundproof room, no matter how many times she finds ecstasy, nobody will hear her moans... ...Aiming to be a singer, Fumina attends a college of music where she practices all the time. Then one day, the conductor she's always admired, Kaoru Saionji, becomes an instructor there. Fumina sings for him. He points out that her voice is good, but it doesn't carry. He takes her to a soundproof room for a lesson... But suddenly, he hugs her from behind.... "Your singing has no sex appeal," he says, and begins to caress every single one of her most sensitive zones. She can't hold back the moans that spill from her lips.... "I don't want anyone to hear me... Please don't let them hear my moans..."


Mature_Romance_MangaCollegeOneshotLocalized by Renta

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Product Details

author :

Haruka Fujiki

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Rating :


Japanese :

Kokoha Midara na Bouonshitsu Aege Aege Motto Aege

Localization by :


Item List Current ch. 1 completed

Uninhibited in a Soundproof Room -Louder, Louder!-

Pages: 81

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