
Sakura Shiromine is an independent woman, doing all she can to make her dreams of opening her very own coffee shop come true... So much so that she's put her love life on the backburner. She was perfectly content living this way, until one stormy day, she finds a lost little boy in the rain and brings him into the cafe where she works. She calls his home, and a beautiful young man comes to pick him up. Ever since, the young man's been coming to the cafe to drink coffee and flirt with her. He's young and hot, and clearly out of her league - at least in Sakura's mind. She knows she shouldn't take him seriously, but it's getting really hard not to...
Now in vertical-scrolling, full-color VertiComix format!


Mature_Romance_MangaYounger_BoyfriendVertiComixLocalized by RentaFree1pt-99pts100pts-199ptsUpgrade

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