
After being dumped by her boyfriend of 3 years because she was "too responsible", Nanae began meeting up with men from dating apps. Sometimes they'd just have dinner, but sometimes, they'd go elsewhere for "dessert". No matter what she did, nothing would fill the void. One day during a sudden downpour, she stops in the convenience store and reaches for the same last umbrella as a hot younger guy! Nanae knows she needs to give up the apps, but she goes back hoping to meet a guy just as hot as him. That weekend, the man who shows up to their date is him...!
Now in vertical-scrolling, full-color VertiComix format!


Mature_Romance_MangaYounger_BoyfriendVertiComixLocalized by RentaFree1pt-99pts100pts-199ptsUpgrade

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Pekoru Uchida

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