Let Me Hear Manako's Voice Again

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Sora Tanaka works at a rural grocery store while quietly doing online voice acting. One afternoon while returning to work from her break, Sora's apron string gets caught in the door behind her as she's updating her social media account. Just then, the chatty and puppy - dog - like delivery man Seita Minamino happens to walk by the break room and catch Sora as she falls. Her phone plops on her chest and Seita notices she's his favorite online voice actor, Manako Kumori!!

In an attempt to wrap her head around everything, Sora invites Seita to a restaurant later, but the conversation turns towards her latest gig and the two somehow end up in a hotel...!?

So begins intense vocal training between the 1000% cute but super socially anxious geek Sora and the overly chatty and puppy - dog like Seita


Mature_Romance_MangaGeek/NerdLocalized by Renta100pts-199pts200pts-299ptsUpgrade Hot

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Intelfin Inc.

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Japanese :

Purizu Ripito Raburi Boisu

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Let Me Hear Manako's Voice Again (2)

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Let Me Hear Manako's Voice Again (3)

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Let Me Hear Manako's Voice Again (4)

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Pages: 35

Let Me Hear Manako's Voice Again (5)

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Pages: 33

Let Me Hear Manako's Voice Again (6)

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Pages: 35

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July 07, 2023 (JST)
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