Is This the Kind of Love I Want?, Volume 2

Pages: 187


Uta (who has newly come out as gay) and Ryo (seemingly straight) have been living together for a year and a half. At first, they had their fights. They also slept together. But these days, they're as tranquil as a middle-aged married couple. Only problem is... they haven't had sex or kissed in almost a year. With their lease renewal hanging over his head, Uta is wondering if it even makes sense for them to continue this way. Why would a gay man and a straight man who aren't dating or even sleeping together keep living like a couple?



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Konna Koinara Owarinishitai

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Is This the Kind of Love I Want?, Volume 1

Pages: 171

Is This the Kind of Love I Want?, Volume 2

Pages: 187

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