Bondage Addiction -The Pet Girl's Imprisonment-

author :

Nao Tamaki


I wake up with my hands and feet shackled. Long fingers tease my pussy as I listen to the indecent sounds made by a tongue being thrust deep inside me. "Miss Mio. Just look at how wet you are." It all started when I was reunited with my former servant, Masaomi... With no home and a lot of debts to pay off, Mio is an ex-wealthy daughter who now finds herself living day-to-day while working at a hostess club. Then, out of the blue, she runs into a former servant, Masaomi, after 10 years. He's made it big as an entrepreneur and Mio plans to take advantage of him... but suddenly the tables are turned and she's the one being held captive...! His touch keeps her body cumming over and over, like an addiction... It's a sweet but painful sex prison and Mio cannot escape Masaomi's warped idea of love...


Mature_Romance_MangaCEOLocalized by Renta200pts-299pts300pts-399ptsUpgrade Completed

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Product Details

author :

Nao Tamaki

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Japanese :

Kankin Chuudoku Aigan Kanojo no Toraware Kangoku

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Bondage Addiction -The Pet Girl's Imprisonment- (4)

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