
Envymi's Reviews & Ratings

Very nice story , i like
This is good. You definitely won't regret getting this, can't wait for the next one.
This is really really good, you won't regret reading this worth it. STORY is awesome. Hopefully, it Releases faster. I hate waiting haha. And I'm a person seldom or don't even write a review. So if I did write a review is really good. P.SI really like the main character younger little brother. He is so so so CUTE.
This story is worth reading and Interesting, at least Something is different. Drawing is good too .But hopefully won't need to wait so long for next please. Come out faster. Can't wait
This is super good. You won't regret it when read. I keep checking when is next update when is next update. so sexy the story and not just that also super sweet ~ I seldom write review but this review definitely must write. so excited and can't wait.