User Reviews For: The Outlaw


I'm sorry, just no. When you look like a runway model and you're literally a princess, you don't get to call yourself plain. Gah that nonsense drives me nuts. I just can't get into a story with a main character like that.

It was a pretty good story. The author does a great job of reeling you in but then I kind of felt like I was left hanging. I was wondering how she would deliver a happy ending with Noelle time-traveling and all but I guess the outcome was somewhat satisfying. It was also quite sad at times but I'm glad Wolfe's name was cleared. I just wish he got more of a happy ending with Noelle which in some ways they did but not enough to make me happy with it.

It was really good only thing I didn't like about this is how the ending ended. I would like to see more of what's going to happen or thing like that I guess I can leave that to my imagination