The Untamed Sheik

artist :

Nei Nowaki

original novel :

Tessa Radley


When Megan is invited by Jacques, the man of her dreams, to a luxurious vacation in the desert country of Dhahara, it seems too good to be true. Could this be an opportunity to get closer to him? Having arrived at the airport, Megan waits for Jacques, who was supposed to be waiting for her. But there is no sign of him. Shafir, a handsome man with a cold glare who claims to be Jacques's friend, tells the concerned Megan that he'll escort her in his place. She accompanies Shafir to his car, only to be taken to a remote castle in the dunes?the Palace of Roses.But is the man she'd taken for a ransom-seeking bandit actually...a prince?



Classic_Romance_MangaSheikh/DesertUpgrade Full Volume/Tankobon

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Product Details

artist :

Nei Nowaki

original novel :

Tessa Radley

Publisher :


Rating :


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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

The Untamed Sheik

rental available
pages: 128

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September 27, 2020 (JST)
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