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After her mother's death, Libby has been trying to eke out a living in a small English village with her baby half brother, Gino. One day, the rich Raul Carducci visits her store and mistakes her for Gino's mother, informing her that Gino's father was a millionaire who died recently, leaving his company shares to Gino. Worried that Raul will take Gino away if he finds out she's not Gino's mother, she keeps up the charade. When she moves to Italy with Raul, he begins to seduce her, but little does she know that his eyes are on Gino's inheritance, not her love.



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Product Details

artist :

Erio Hori

original novel :

Chantelle Shaw

Publisher :


Rating :


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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

Untouched Until Marriage

rental available
pages: 128

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