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In order to clean up her scandalous past before her grandfather's upcoming presidential election, Phoebe pays a visit to her college boyfriend, Carter. They used to be madly in love, until the difference between their social statuses proved too big a gap to bridge. If the intimate photos Carter took of Phoebe back when they were dating ever got into the press's hands, it would be disastrous for her grandfather's reputation. But when Phoebe sees Carter for the first time in twelve years, she barely recognizes her old sweetheart. The once lanky, frail boy has turned into a brawny, confident man. Carter makes Phoebe a deal. He'll give her the photos if she agrees to go out with him-one date per photo.



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Product Details

artist :

Rinko Ichinoseki

original novel :

Emilie Rose

Publisher :


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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

Scandalous Passion

rental available
pages: 128

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