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After the death of her mother, Izzy finally learns the truth behind her birth. Deep in despair, she is captivated by a man named Roman, and they spend the night together. However, the next morning he disappears, and their brief romance ends there. A year later, the two meet again by coincidence. Izzy is beautiful as always, but she is now carrying a baby in her arms. Roman assumes that after spending the night with him, she went and had another man's baby. And for some reason, he finds he resents her for this. Soon, however, he starts to harbor doubts... Is it just Roman, or does the baby bear more than a passing resemblance to him?



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Product Details

artist :

Sara Nakayama

original novel :

Kim Lawrence

Publisher :


Rating :


Localization by :


Item List Current ch. 1 completed

The Petrelli Heir

rental available
pages: 128

User reviews

Anihime August 15, 2019 (JST)
Weeb4Life May 27, 2019 (JST)

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