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While traveling through the desert country of Jabal, Olivia is arrested and falsely accused of something she hasn't done. Worried that she will end her life behind bars in a foreign country, Olivia was losing all hope. But then a stranger comes to her rescue and, without explaining much, frees her from prison. The man turns out to be Sheik Khalid Fehr, the prince of a neighboring country. In order to evade persecution, Khalid lies and claims that Olivia is his betrothed. Things start to get complicated when the Jabal government makes their engagement public.



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Product Details

artist :

Tsukasa Shimeno

original novel :

Jane Porter

Publisher :


Series :

Desert Kings- 2 -

Rating :


Localization by :


Item List Current ch. 1 completed

King of the Desert, Captive Bride Desert Kings 2

rental available
pages: 128

User reviews

Weeb4Life April 27, 2019 (JST)
iori April 25, 2019 (JST)
Luna December 15, 2017 (JST)

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