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The day has finally come - Roku gets to have sex for the first time with his beloved boyfriend, Aki! But when he finishes... he wakes up in a completely different place! Roku discovers that he teleports when he ejaculates, and he isn't thrilled... Until he learns to control his powers, they can't have sex! So, he sets out to train his teleportation skills. He wants to have lovey-dovey sex with Aki, no matter where it takes him!! A hilarious romantic comedy about a guy who "goes" when he "comes", in full color!


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Product Details

author :

Nonki Suzumoto

publisher :


Rating :


Japanese :

Sekai wo Putto Mata ni Kaketa Otoko

Localization by :


Item List Current ch. 1 completed

Around the World in 80 Lays

rental available
pages: 34

User reviews

Fairy231 April 21, 2019 (JST)

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