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Victoria isn't good with men. She doesn't want a boyfriend or a husband-she just wants a baby... She's decided that Caleb, the owner of a newspaper company, is the best candidate for the job. Now she just has to seduce him and get him in the mood. Rumor has it that Caleb is a resolute bachelor and a playboy, making him the perfect choice. There's no way he'll be interested in marriage. So Victoria dares to slip into a sexy dress and attempts to seduce Caleb. He's shocked by demure Victoria's sexy transformation, but he firmly refuses her offer. He's in for a surprise when he discovers her newspaper advertisement the following day-"Wanted: A Man to Father a Child."



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Product Details

artist :

Fuyuki Mizuhara

original novel :

Myrna Mackenzie

Publisher :


Rating :


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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

Instant Marriage, Just Add Groom

rental available
pages: 129

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