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After a major incident, Savannah retires from her career as a gifted actress and starts working primarily as a composer. Blake, a charismatic director, has rumors circling around him that he attempted to murder his ex-wife. He becomes enamored with Savannah's ability and wants her to handle the music for his next film. Uncertain of the gossip about him, Savannah hesitates to work with Blake. Then, when they meet, the first thing he tells her is, "I wonder if I can stop myself from seducing you..." What on earth is he thinking?



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Product Details

artist :

Akiko Iizuka

original novel :

Joann Ross

Publisher :


Rating :


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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

Dark Desires

rental available
pages: 128

User reviews

Majala September 12, 2019 (JST)
Asaleenocturne November 06, 2017 (JST)

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