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It's been six months since she inherited her late husband's fortune, and Neve has been struggling with her fourteen-year-old stepdaughter, Hannah, ever since. One night Neve almost gets lost in a snowstorm while running after Hannah, but she's determined to keep going until she finds her. Suddenly a beautiful godlike man comes to rescue her. He calls himself Severo, and he carries her into a nearby house when Neve tries to continue her mission to rescue Hannah in the storm. They end up trapped by the snow and must spend the night together... What will become of Hannah? And what will happen between Severo and Neve?



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Product Details

artist :

Marito Ai

original novel :

Kim Lawrence

Publisher :


Rating :


Localization by :


Item List Current ch. 1 completed

Stranded, Seduced...Pregnant

rental available
pages: 145

User reviews

Guest October 26, 2017 (JST)
HorseObsessed July 25, 2020 (JST)
Weeb4Life July 20, 2020 (JST)

All Reviews

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