Me, My Boyfriend, And the Future of Our Love

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A year has passed since Chikashi and Tomoaki, once a manager and his trainee, became a couple. They've started living together, having overcome Tomoaki's transfer to another department and a near break-up. However, Tomoaki is now being transferred to another office entirely. As they embark on a long-distance relationship, will their feelings for each other remain the same...? "It's because he's so precious to me that I want to respect his life." The emotional pain will tear at your heart in this much-anticipated third volume!!


Yaoi_MangaBusinessmenLocalized by Renta200pts-299ptsUpgrade Full Volume/Tankobon

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Japanese :

Ore to Kareshi no Koi no Hate

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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

Me, My Boyfriend, And the Future of Our Love

rental available
pages: 196

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