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In a luxury hotel's poker room, Bree recovered her sister's debt. But then Vladimir appeared-the same multimillionaire who left her a prisoner of love ten years ago! And when he raises the stakes of the game, he doesn't kid around-if she wins, he'll give her a million dollars. If she loses, she'll become his slave! What is he plotting? But, if Bree can release her sister and herself from a life on the run, she has to take it...Bree has confidence in her skills, honed under the training of her con man father. But this time it seems Lady Luck is on Vladimir's side...



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Product Details

artist :

Natsue Ogoshi

original novel :

Jennie Lucas

Publisher :


Series :

Princes Untamed- 1 -

Rating :


Localization by :


Item List Current ch. 1 completed

Dealing Her Final Card Princes Untamed I

rental available
pages: 128

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