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Lucy was absolutely stunned by the voice message. How could her fiance leave her on their wedding day? Without anywhere else to go, Lucy ends up staying in his holiday home as the house sitter until she finds her next job. Out of nowhere, her fiance's brother shows up! Conner, a lawyer who decided to make the holiday home his temporary office, was unaware of Lucy's situation. With a swift glance, the highly attractive Conner assumed that Lucy was just another woman after the Tarkington fortune. With an annoyed expression, Conner says to Lucy, "We don't need a house sitter."



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Product Details

artist :

Junko Okada

original novel :

Laurie Campbell

Publisher :


Rating :


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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

His Brother's Baby

rental available
pages: 130

User reviews

maquila May 15, 2018 (JST)

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