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Just as she was finishing her work contract in Russia, Clementine found herself at the mercy of a pair of purse snatchers. That's when Serge came to the rescue. Clementine was shaken by the incident, but an invitation to dinner from her sexy rescuer helped take her mind off it. Serge even went on to surprise Clementine with another invitation-this time to New York. Surprised, but tired from working endlessly since her teenage years, Clementine decided to go ahead and enjoy her very own Cinderella story. Her heart almost stopped when Serge asked her to focus only on him. At that moment, she was certain Serge was going to make her his lover...



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Product Details

artist :

Karan Dan

original novel :

Lucy Ellis

Publisher :


Rating :


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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

Untouched by His Diamonds

rental available
pages: 129

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Noofar April 04, 2018 (JST)

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