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Born to a noble politician in a prominent political family, Amanda is determined to seek justice for animals who are mistreated. She's learned of a case of possible animal cruelty in the world of wrestling, so she attends an event. In the spotlight appears Bram, the Beastmaster, with his tiger. He carries himself like a king, and he is definitely wild and dangerous. After his victory, he gives Amanda an evil grin and picks her up to show off his brawn. Held aloft by a powerful half-naked man, Amanda feels sweet heat coursing through her body like never before. And that's before he steals a kiss from her in front of the raving audience! This was not at all how she'd thought this encounter would go!



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Product Details

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original novel :

Carol Devine

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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

Beauty and the Beastmaster

rental available
pages: 130

User reviews

foxling May 19, 2018 (JST)
Mrsmangame123 August 24, 2018 (JST)
Weeb4Life February 21, 2020 (JST)
sensibletron August 25, 2019 (JST)

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