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Jade is a social butterfly who makes regular appearances in the tabloids, but she's in a tight spot! A close family friend has passed away and stipulated in his will that his son Nic will only inherit a large share of his estate if he and Jade marry. In the meantime, Jade's father has also cut her off from her family's trust funds, and if she marries Nic, she'll also get some of the inheritance... But Jade can't forget the way Nic treated her ten years ago. And besides, it seems like he still can't stand her. Yet she has a secret reason why she can't live on her she has no choice but to marry him!



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Product Details

artist :

Nayuna Sakurano

original novel :

Melanie Milburne

Publisher :


Rating :


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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

The Wedding Charade

rental available
pages: 129

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Weeb4Life December 10, 2019 (JST)

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