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A scandalous office romance about a cool young designer and a moderately annoying businessman! At this cosmetics company, the entire design division shares a common problem, and that problem is Takumi Tokura. A manager with a history in sales and a penchant for sports festivals and living the dream, Mr. Tokura unknowingly pushes impossible tasks on the design team while spewing idealisms at company parties... In reaction, Ryo Takizawa falls deeper and deeper into a quiet rage. That anger comes to a head after the party when Mr. Tokura announces a mandatory trip to a brothel for all the male employees. Ryo stubbornly tries to go home, but his superior tries to act like a life coach and yells that "sex is important!" This situation leads to a surprising twist! "If you're so insistent, please teach me." This superior and his subordinate mix together like oil and water, but neither can go back once they open the door to new pleasures...!


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Product Details

author :

Susu Katoh

publisher :

ShuCream POP

Rating :


Japanese :

24 Jikan Ochinai Kiss

Localization by :


Item List Current ch. 12 completed

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24-Hour Kiss (1)

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pages: 28

24-Hour Kiss (2)

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24-Hour Kiss (3)

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24-Hour Kiss (4)

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24-Hour Kiss (5)

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pages: 36

24-Hour Kiss (6)

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pages: 40

24-Hour Kiss: Continued (1)

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pages: 34

24-Hour Kiss: Continued (2)

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24-Hour Kiss: Continued (3)

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pages: 37

24-Hour Kiss: Continued (4)

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pages: 43

24-Hour Kiss: Continued (5)

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pages: 39

24-Hour Kiss: Continued (6)

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pages: 29

User reviews

rubizafiro August 14, 2018 (JST)
Hexerus October 20, 2018 (JST)
kcfantastic June 13, 2020 (JST)
saynerd August 01, 2018 (JST)
biggestrebel August 16, 2018 (JST)
xinna February 01, 2021 (JST)
ikemenkyatcha October 24, 2020 (JST)
Fujoshi93 October 25, 2020 (JST)
MiryanSR1 April 10, 2020 (JST)
bebeprawns October 26, 2019 (JST)

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