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Upcoming starlet Missy Klein is getting married to Ian Lawson, founder of the SpinTrax recording label, and From This Moment, Nashville's hottest wedding planners, have gotten the contract to arrange the wedding. There's only one problem-cofounder and photographer Briana Harper had a college romance with Ian, and they're now stuck in a snowed-in cabin! With the relationship warming up faster than the weather outside, Briana and Ian start to reconnect...but Ian's abandonment of his own music career to pursue the business side of things has always irked Briana. She begins to ask herself if she could get together with Ian again, but how is that possible when he's getting married to the mother of his unborn child?



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Product Details

artist :

Kazuna Uchida

original novel :

Andrea Laurence

Publisher :


Series :

Brides and Belles- 1 -

Rating :


Localization by :


Item List Current ch. 1 completed

Snowed in with Her Ex Brides and Belles I

rental available
pages: 129

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