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Miriam the librarian is in love. The object of her affection is Professor Rory Monahan. He's a devoted academic, and all he pays attention to are books and his research. There's no way a plain‐looking librarian could ever catch his eye. While heaving a sigh, Miriam catches sight of a magazine headline. "Awaken your inner devil!" Could she really be capable of seducing him? No way, that could never happen! But...does she really want to live the rest of her life doing nothing? What if it changes their relationship...? Miriam embarks on a daring journey to do as the magazine articles instruct!



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Product Details

artist :

Satomi Ikezawa

original novel :

Elizabeth Bevarly

Publisher :


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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

The Temptation of Rory Monahan

rental available
pages: 129

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