Captive Princess -A Contract for Her Body-

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After overhearing that she isn't really her parents' child, Ai runs away from home. She has no home to return to and no friends to turn to... While she wanders the city that night, a mysterious butler takes her away and she begins her new life at a lavish estate!! But, under the condition that she become teaching material for his master! She has no choice but to obey the unbelievably coldhearted butler... Her body, which slowly becomes more sensitive as each lesson escalates, no longer feels like it's hers...! She's scared... but if it's for the sake of the kind master who's so different from the butler...


Mature_Romance_MangaButlersConfinementLocalized by Renta300pts-399ptsUpgrade

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Toraware Hime Karada Kyouzai Keiyaku

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Captive Princess -A Contract for Her Body- (1)

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Captive Princess -A Contract for Her Body- (2)

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Captive Princess -A Contract for Her Body- (3)

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