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Debbie's husband is absent from their home and family, and a large catering company is interfering with her business, yet Debbie is determined to keep up her bakery with her mom and raise her son. One day, while delivering a lunch to Luciano, a company president, Debbie is shocked to see his brother's photo-it's a photo of her husband! She discovers that her husband has another family back in Sicily, and she decides to finally divorce him. But the very next day she hears about his sudden death. Luciano gently embraces Debbie, comforting her until she stops crying...and it is then that she realizes how much she craves a good man's kindness.



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Product Details

artist :

Nasuno Amano

original novel :

Sara Wood

Publisher :


Rating :


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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

A Forbidden Seduction

rental available
pages: 129

User reviews

Usopp March 22, 2020 (JST)
KyokoHizuri March 31, 2021 (JST)

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