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Photographer Daisy worked a wedding at an earl's castle, but by the time she was ready to leave, her car was completely snowed in! She had only until midnight to upload the day's photos and didn't know how she'd be able to pull it off now. Luckily a man showed up and invited Daisy into the castle. Once she successfully uploaded the photos, she noticed how very attractive the man who helped her was. They proceeded to spend a dreamy night together, but they didn't yet know how that night would change their destiny...



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Product Details

artist :

Tomomi Yamashita

original novel :

Jessica Gilmore

Publisher :


Rating :


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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

Expecting the Earl's Baby

rental available
pages: 130

User reviews

chicobaby04 March 13, 2019 (JST)
ebookrenta0471zkekz December 08, 2022 (JST)

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