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Until recently Dee had always been close with her friends, laughing and enjoying life. She's watched as they've become wives and then mothers. She's an industrious businesswoman, free from the restraints and shackles of married life. There have been some things that she couldn't achieve, but she intends to live her life to the fullest nevertheless. Then, in an instant, the heartbreak she thought she had buried forever reemerges. While visiting her former teacher's house, Dee runs into the man she first gave her body and heart to, the one she was once wildly in love with-Hugo!



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Product Details

artist :


original novel :

Penny Jordan

Publisher :


Series :

Sweet Revenge/Seduction- 4 -

Rating :


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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

The Marriage Resolution Sweet Revenge Seduction IV

rental available
pages: 129

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