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"I won't allow her to ruin the wedding!" Marco boomed, his voice reaching the ceiling of the design studio. The famous fashion designer is two and a half months away from marrying his duchess fiancee, Marilena, when his ex-wife, Payton, arrives with their twin girls from San Francisco. Payton, who swore never to return to Milan, has come to entrust the children to her ex-husband's care. She has a dark secret: it looks as if the same awful disease that killed her mother will take her, as well...



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Product Details

artist :

Kei Kusunoki

original novel :

Jane Porter

Publisher :


Rating :


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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

Marco's Pride

rental available
pages: 130

User reviews

Oltrepassassi July 25, 2019 (JST)
taisaayase January 14, 2020 (JST)

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