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Rebekah, a chef who is a live-in staff member at talented lawyer Dante's mansion, is also secretly in love with him because he's sexy and perfect. One fateful night, Dante skillfully seduces Rebekah, who is unable to tamp down the longing whirling within her. The next morning, she offers her resignation, but Dante stubbornly refuses and instead suggests that they live together for a month in his secondary residence. It's a loveless relationship, but it's one month when he can get his fill of Rebekah. What will become of her now that a playboy has gotten his fangs into her?



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Product Details

artist :

Miho Tomoi

original novel :

Chantelle Shaw

Publisher :


Rating :


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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

At Dante's Service

rental available
pages: 129

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