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Ash froze when she saw Gabe, her childhood friend, standing in the corner of the room. The vivid memory of the horrible treatment she gave him eight years ago came to the forefront of her mind. As the daughter of an old family, back then she ended up in gossip magazines a lot and was called a problem child. But the kiss she shared with Gabe instantly broke their relationship; he had always watched over her and she called him "my Gabe." Ash made a huge mistake once those around her found out that she was in love with a lower-class man. Without thinking, she told him one thing: "Know your place."



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Product Details

artist :

Naoko Kubota

original novel :

Trish Wylie

Publisher :


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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

Claimed by the Billionaire Bad Boy

rental available
pages: 129

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