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Eight years ago, while vacationing in Greece with her mother, Keeley met Ariston Kavakos, king of the Greek shipping industry and the most cold-blooded, arrogant man she had ever encountered. They shared a passionate kiss, but he angrily pushed her away, saying she was shameless...just like her mother! Ariston walked away without looking back, and it still stings for Keeley, even now. But after a chance reunion, Ariston offers to hire Keeley for an enticing sum of money. What is he thinking? Is he looking for a way to humiliate her again?



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Product Details

artist :

Nami Akimoto

original novel :

Sharon Kendrick

Publisher :


Rating :


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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

The Pregnant Kavakos Bride

rental available
pages: 129

User reviews

ebooklove3093 November 04, 2019 (JST)
Ven1284 December 08, 2019 (JST)

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