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In the seventeenth century, the King of England was worried about a thief who had been striking on the roads. Meanwhile, Sarah, who lived in the remote countryside, was heartbroken by the suffering the king's ridiculous taxes were causing her village. So heartbroken she had taken matters into her own hands-she was the thief! One day, she was saved from falling off a cliff by an elegant man. He turned out to be Lord Rutledge, an acquaintance of her uncle and a close associate of the king. Sarah assumed he was looking for the thief, so she tried to keep her distance. But luckily he didn't seem to realize who she was... Rather than taking her into custody, he kissed her and said he wanted to teach her the etiquette of the court!



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Product Details

artist :

Chisato Nakamura

original novel :

Ana Seymour

Publisher :


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Item List Current ch. 1 completed


rental available
pages: 129

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