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Bernadette was born out of wedlock, the daughter of a famous businessman and his mistress. She's independent, and she doesn't believe in true love. But she's unexpectedly reunited with a young and dashing tycoon on the night of her twenty-fourth birthday. That's when her unfailing beliefs start to falter. Danton veils his attempts to melt her heart and win her love through challenges to compete with him. Are both work and love just games for the man? A loss in the competition leads Bernadette to spend a month at Danton's island in the South Pacific. What will happen to her heart and her destiny?



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Product Details

artist :

Yoko Hanabusa

original novel :

Emma Darcy

Publisher :


Rating :


Localization by :


Item List Current ch. 1 completed

The Power and the Passion

rental available
pages: 129

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