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Finally free from her overprotective father, Eden craves a change from her life as an uptight librarian. That's why I need to go on an adventure! So Eden drives off with a heart full of expectation. Suddenly a man in a tuxedo appears in the road. "Please get me out of here," he begs. Not only are people chasing after him and hurling insults, they are throwing rice and flowers, as well. What a perfect start to an adventure! Eden asks the man, Riley, to take over driving and he brings them to the hotel he runs. Now she must pretend to be his blushing bride!



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Product Details

artist :

Sae Nanahoshi

original novel :

Christie Ridgway

Publisher :


Rating :


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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

Follow that Groom!

rental available
pages: 129

User reviews

Majala May 23, 2020 (JST)

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