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When Cassie, the daughter of a famed British family, was staying in the Middle East, she learned that the prince of the neighboring country was looking for a governess for his daughter. Cassie didn't want to return to her homeland because of bad memories, so she applied for the job under a fake name. She was hired, and when she was waiting to be taken to her new job, a man suddenly appeared in her tent! It was Sheikh Jamil al-Nazarri, her new boss. She couldn't believe that he would sneak into the tent of a sleeping woman without permission! He looked at her coldly and said he didn't need permission because it was his country!



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Product Details

artist :

Rikako Tsuji

original novel :

Marguerite Kaye

Publisher :


Rating :


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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

The Governess and the Sheikh

rental available
pages: 129

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BlueMoonRaven October 02, 2020 (JST)

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