
Six months ago, Abby, a model, was kidnapped by bandits while she was doing a photo shoot in the desert. Just when she thought all was lost, a handsome man on a beautiful horse chased after them and rescued her. The man was dressed like a desert chief, but who was he? All she knew was his name: Zain. Abby held on to him as they rode through the night on his horse. Even after she returned to England, her heart raced every time she thought of her mysterious rescuer. Then one day she learned the shocking truth: Zain was to inherit the throne of his country and she was his wife!



Classic_Romance_MangaSheikh/DesertUpgrade Full Volume/Tankobon

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Product Details

artist :

Ayumu Aso

original novel :

Kim Lawrence

Publisher :


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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

A Cinderella for the Desert King

rental available
pages: 129

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