After Being Scouted by God, I Ended up in an Alternate Universe. -Domestic Magic Makes for an Easy Life.-

author :

Hikaru Etomiya

story :

Aya Taichi


After God reaches out to Towako Yamada following her death, she is transferred into Maria's body in an alternate universe called Astaire. Eventually, she nicknames herself "Towaria," or "Toa" for short.
God grants her three magical powers: "Domestic Magic," "Appraisal," and "Item Box."
While enjoying her new domestically magical life in this alternate universe, she undertakes her previous landlord Khalkis' dream of becoming a pharmacist. Domestic magic will make for an easy life?or so she thinks.


Shojo_MangaIsekai/Another_WorldShonen_MangaLocalized by Renta100pts-199pts200pts-299ptsUpgrade

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Product Details

author :

Hikaru Etomiya

story :

Aya Taichi

publisher :

Renta Comics

Rating :


Japanese :

Kami-sama ni Scout sarete Isekai ni Yattekimashita -Kaden Mahou de Kaiteki Life-

Localization by :


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After Being Scouted by God, I Ended up in an Alternate Universe. -Domestic Magic Makes for an Easy Life.- (1)

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pages: 30

After Being Scouted by God, I Ended up in an Alternate Universe. -Domestic Magic Makes for an Easy Life.- (2)

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pages: 27

After Being Scouted by God, I Ended up in an Alternate Universe. -Domestic Magic Makes for an Easy Life.- (3)

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pages: 29

After Being Scouted by God, I Ended up in an Alternate Universe. -Domestic Magic Makes for an Easy Life.- (4)

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After Being Scouted by God, I Ended up in an Alternate Universe. -Domestic Magic Makes for an Easy Life.- (5)

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pages: 30

After Being Scouted by God, I Ended up in an Alternate Universe.-Domestic Magic Makes for an Easy Life.-(6)

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After Being Scouted by God, I Ended up in an Alternate Universe. -Domestic Magic Makes for an Easy Life.- (7)

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pages: 27

After Being Scouted by God, I Ended up in an Alternate Universe. -Domestic Magic Makes for an Easy Life.- (8)

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