Hana and the Beast Man [VertiComix]


"How'd you get in here, human?"
A large wall has always stood between humans and the beast people. Hana accidently finds a hole in the wall and sneaks in, only to get lost. She meets Sana, who pins her down using his large frame. Hana trembles as Sana interrogates her with sharp eyes, demanding to know her purpose inside the wall. She can't escape! But, even though she's been captured as an "intruder," Sana ends up sheltering Hana in his home from the other beast people... What's going on?
A sweet, heartwarming love story, though a little on the wild side! Read on to learn the joys of inter-species romance!
Now in vertical-scrolling, full-color VertiComix format!


Mature_Romance_MangaBeast_PeopleMythical_BeingsFantasyVertiComixLocalized by RentaFree1pt-99pts100pts-199ptsUpgrade PopularCompleted

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Juujinsan to Ohanachan

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