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Hannah was a lonely seamstress who was separated from her parents at the age of three. Working her day job at a high-end men's clothing store, she also dreamed of one day opening her own store, but one day she was told a shocking truth. She was the granddaughter of a wealthy man, and the sole heir to his fortune. How could I be the only heir? But in order to receive her inheritance, she must become pregnant within six months. Hannah had no boyfriend or boyfriend, so she asked her client Yaeger, who she had been talking to for a long time, to help her. He was an attractive businessman who was also popular with women, and he seemed like a perfect match for a sperm donor, but then he came up with three unexpected conditions...



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Product Details

artist :

Takako Hashimoto

original novel :

Elizabeth Bevarly

Publisher :


Rating :


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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

Baby In The Making

rental available
pages: 129

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