From Boys to Beasts

author :

Roca Kato


"We've always loved you... that's why nobody else can have you!"

My two childhood friends, Toma and Akihito, have been always been there for me. Since I'm older, I've always had to look out for them, but before I knew it, Toma has become an honors student, while the usually blunt Akihito has grown up to become a kind young man. Though it makes me feel a little lonely, I've finally found somebody I like. Maybe I can grow up a little too!

...At least, that's what I thought until those two started meddling in my affairs! With an "oh, you thought of us as younger brothers? Well, we ain't holding back anymore!", the pair of them suddenly change into wild beasts!!

Pinning me down, they both kiss me all over, and caress me deeply... I had no idea they were like this...!!


Mature_Romance_MangaLove_TriangleChildhood_FriendsYounger_BoyfriendLocalized by Renta100pts-199pts200pts-299ptsUpgrade Completed

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author :

Roca Kato

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Japanese :

Otouto-kei Osananajimi ga Yajuu-ka Shimasite

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