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Poppy, a secretary, has always wished for the happiness of her beloved boss, Randall. When she saw him getting married in a loveless political marriage, she got so worried that she decided to intervene, but as a result on the day of the ceremony, the bride disappeared! When the boss asked if it was Poppy who did it, he also explained why he had to get married before his 35th birthday. And that means he had to find his next bride in a hurry. Poppy, pale-faced as a result of this, was even more upset when she saw the list of candidates given to her by Randall. Why does it have my name on it?



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Product Details

artist :

Satomi Tsuya

original novel :

Jane Porter

Publisher :


Rating :


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Item List Current ch. 1 completed

Kidnapped For His Royal Duty

rental available
pages: 129

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