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Tara operates a bridal business in Sydney with her mother and two sisters. Her job is to help clients come up with perfect wedding proposals and to arrange beautiful weddings. One day, Patrick, a successful young businessman, comes to her with a request. Tara is suspicious of getting a request from a handsome millionaire who shouldn't need help in the romance department. But after some consideration, she accepts, thinking the job may be a good PR opportunity if all goes well. Her plan is to calmly and efficiently complete the job as a professional?that is until he shakes her resolve with his glittering green eyes and dashing good looks...



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Product Details

artist :

Yu Mahara

original novel :

Rebecca Winters

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Item List Current ch. 12 completed

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[Sold by Chapter]A Professional Engagement Vol.1

pages: 11

[Sold by Chapter]A Professional Engagement Vol.2

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[Sold by Chapter]A Professional Engagement Vol.3

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[Sold by Chapter]A Professional Engagement Vol.4

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[Sold by Chapter]A Professional Engagement Vol.5

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[Sold by Chapter]A Professional Engagement Vol.6

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[Sold by Chapter]A Professional Engagement Vol.7

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[Sold by Chapter]A Professional Engagement Vol.8

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[Sold by Chapter]A Professional Engagement Vol.9

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[Sold by Chapter]A Professional Engagement Vol.10

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[Sold by Chapter]A Professional Engagement Vol.11

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[Sold by Chapter]A Professional Engagement Vol.12

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pages: 16

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