Half-A-Million-Dollar Bride [VertiComix]

author :

Kaiji Umeda


"I bought you for 500 thousand dollars." Akane was abandoned by her mother as a little girl and treated as a nuisance by the family members that were forced to raise her. She's always held firm to the belief that one day she'll find happiness, but is shocked to learn the man she thought was her destiny is already married! Accused of having an affair, she's being forced to provide compensation. Just then, a man in a suit suddenly appears and claims to be her husband!?
Now in vertical-scrolling, full-color VertiComix format!


Shojo_MangaLove_StoriesVertiComixLocalized by RentaFree1pt-99pts100pts-199ptsUpgrade Completed

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author :

Kaiji Umeda

publisher :

Renta Comics

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Item List Current ch. 14 completed

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