
If you ever set even one foot in my kingdom...I'll take you away and put you in the world's most beautiful cage! This is a bittersweet memory of Jasmine's ex-lover, Sheikh Tariq. When she visits his desert homeland, he sweeps her away to his rose-colored palace, as promised. She dreams of reconciling her love for him, but will Tariq's heart want her back without knowing why she left him once before?



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Harumo Sanazaki

original novel :

Nalini Singh

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[Sold by Chapter] Desert Warrior vol.1

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[Sold by Chapter] Desert Warrior vol.2

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[Sold by Chapter] Desert Warrior vol.3

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[Sold by Chapter] Desert Warrior vol.4

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[Sold by Chapter] Desert Warrior vol.5

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[Sold by Chapter] Desert Warrior vol.6

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[Sold by Chapter] Desert Warrior vol.7

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[Sold by Chapter] Desert Warrior vol.8

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[Sold by Chapter] Desert Warrior vol.9

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[Sold by Chapter] Desert Warrior vol.10

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[Sold by Chapter] Desert Warrior vol.11

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[Sold by Chapter] Desert Warrior vol.12

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